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The Bird Hunting Supplies List


One of the more popular hunting games is bird hunting. From geese to ducks, turkey to quails, preparation is needed to make the hunt all the more enjoyable. Complete bird hunting supplies should be top priority before any hunter goes out there for the kill. A supply of different material and gadgets needed to hunt the type of birds you want is listed all over the internet. Bird hunting is divided to birds that fly and birds that live on the ground. Each of these types requires different equipments, which is why it is important to get your bird hunting supplies in order.

For wing shooters, you will need a rifle with at least 10 or more cartridges, a camouflage shirt and a boat if you are going geese or duck hunting. However, if you are hunting with a dog, a duck decoy is a good investment to keep your dog intact with their training. Like all hunting trips, part of your bird hunting supplies should include a tent, and a mounting area for your prize. Consider getting a mounting board that could be raised to avoid other animals from stealing your catch.

Birds are relative easy to hunt, except for certain kinds of breeds where they are hard to spot, like the quails. As hunting supplies for birds varies from one species to another, it is not very far off. The very basics are having a rifle, camouflage attires, a tent, food supply and a mounting area for your prize.

The other bird hunting supplies that should be included to make your whole bird hunting trip a holistic one, meaning suitable for hunting avian and land birds, would be:

• Calling whistles – invest in getting several different kinds of birds
• Bow and Arrows – if hunting with archery is preferred, it is useful for land birds
• DVD/Instructional videos – for those starting out on bird hunting
• Waterproof bags
• A duck boat

These are the basic bird hunting supplies that one should start out with before they go for a bird hunt. These hunting supplies for birds cover almost all needs for different species of avian birds and land birds. It is always important to make sure that your list of hunting supplies caters to the animals you are hunting for, in which is case are birds.

For a more enjoyable bird hunting experience, a thorough planning and shopping for the correct equipment is a must because not only do you want the best bird hunting supplies you can get, you want to make sure that you get your money’s worth buying them.