Category Archives: elk hunting

Out in the Open with Montana Elk Hunting

With its incredible beauty and high population of elk, Montana elk hunting is a popular choice for big game hunters. Wide open spaces and consistently applied conservation practices make this one of the best states for hunting elk. Hunters and outdoor enthusiasts come from miles around for their chance at bagging the five or six point bull that haunts their dreams. Both public and private hunting grounds have been known to yield excellent results during the fall hunting season. The seasoned hunter can return year after year to their favorite spot or one can opt for any one of the Montana elk hunting guide services available.

Montana’s plentiful natural resource of elk has provided the state with a boost to its economy through tourism for big game hunts. Montana elk hunting has gained a solid reputation for being a hunter’s paradise of unspoiled lands and vast landscapes. Many of the state’s conservation efforts not only meet the average satisfactory standards but exceed them, yielding high numbers in mature elk herd populations. This results in the increased chances for a highly successful hunt whether on private or public hunting grounds. While it’s anybody’s guess if one will actually bag their quarry, it is likely that nearly every hunter will at least catch a glimpse of this majestic animal in the wild.

When it comes to Montana elk hunting, hunters have a variety of options to choose from. Hunting on a horseback guided tour is a popular choice for many hunters. This type of excursion allows one to get deeper into the wilds of nature and come face to face with any number of possibilities. Others prefer the idea of a drop camp where a hunting party is flown out to a remote hunting location. Some guided tours provide tents, equipment and other amenities for hunters. Wall tents, showers and a high quality meal service can make for a comfortable and relaxing hunting experience.

There are a good number of outfitters that can provide the best in Montana elk hunting. A reputable outfitter is one that prominently displays a current license for prospective clients. Guides who work for an outfitter should be personable and have experience with hunters of all skill levels. A competent guide will also have a firm grasp of not only hunting elk but the area the hunt will take place in. Most importantly, he or she should demonstrate good hunting ethics. A trip that is well planned and safe and secure from the beginning allows hunters to focus on the more important aspects of bagging their massive quarry.

The Basics of Basic Elk Hunting Tips

For the true hunter, the pursuit of game is everything. Elk hunting tips can greatly increase the pleasure of that pursuit. Thanks to the elk’s innate ability for sensing danger, they are one of the most challenging objects of pursuit for a huntsman. Although their massive size would seem to make them easy targets, it is not uncommon for many hunters filled with the anticipation of a kill to find they have unwittingly been given the slip not just for the second time, but for the third or fourth in a single day of hunting. Before setting out, wise hunters know it’s best to educate themselves on every aspect, brushing up on as much information as possible, including current elk hunting tips, tricks and advice.

Of all the most important elk hunting tips, planning and preparedness heads the very top of the list. The vast majority of seasoned hunters will agree that planning ahead can be the difference between the trip of a lifetime and complete disaster. The challenge of hunting lies in part with the unpredictability of the outdoors. While it is folly to always expect something to go wrong, the sport of hunting is one place where safety rules and it is always better to be safe than sorry. The use of firearms, the lack of direct access to medical services and the remote location in which elk hunting can take place requires that any and all precautions that can be taken, should.

When it comes to other elk hunting tips, the study of behavior and the use of calls is a major point of discussion. Failing to use a call correctly can have a negative effect on the success of a hunt. While some debate the use of inexpensive calls over higher priced models, others contend that price is nothing when talent is present. There are many pieces of advice on what type of call to use based on whether one is hunting a bull or cow. These calls are based on gurgles, mews and other sounds indicative of elk behavior in a herd. As many hunters know, certain calls made during the rut have more of an effect than any other time.

Next on the list of elk hunting tips usually has to do with choosing an effective big game cartridge. Elk are large animals that have a tough hide and massive internal organs. While every hunter has his or her preference, there is no absolute single brand that works better than others. Big game ammunition has a specific purpose and some types are even made to be effective exclusively when shooting at big game over long distances. It is important that the choice of cartridge be the type that can be shot time and again with little or no problem, allowing a good amount of handling and control.

The Basic Draws of Bow Hunting Elk

Hunting elk has never been considered an easy task but bow hunting elk can offer just the perfect level of challenge many hunters are looking for. Assessing the terrain, getting close, bugling and taking the shot all have their place for those who choose this method of hunting. One must be able to combine a number of variables in a very short period of time in order to ensure success. For example, knowing how to quickly choose a trustworthy location from which to take the perfect shot requires skill. One must also know the capabilities and limitations of their equipment as well as devote many hours of practice to making the particular broadside shot that will bring down this massive animal.

Bow hunting elk requires that hunters to get fairly close to their quarry. While some hunters prefer to move in toward their target, others like to get close, bugle and then move away, mimicking a cow on the move and leading a bull into a certain location. Many find it is easier to set up and wait for the animal to make an entrance than to sneak up on this creature known for its ultra sensitive ability for detecting danger. The shot must be made with special arrows strong enough to pierce the thick hide, cartilage and internal organs of large game animals.

Because one must get so close when bow hunting elk, recognizing a solid location in which to take a shot becomes crucial. Many hunters do not realize just how large an elk actually is until the animal is upon them. Not only are elk larger than life, their behaviors, mating rituals and distinctive bugle have been known to outright intimidate even the most experienced of hunters. Whether the animal is timid or aggressive, it is important to never put oneself in a bad position just to get close. The unpredictability of hunting is the number one reason safety plays such a major role in this sport.

Bow hunting elk requires that one understand the necessity of what is called a broadside shot. Although an elk may bolt for a number of yards, this type of shot placed just behind the shoulder ensures that both lungs will be pierced eventually taking the animal down. Many seasoned bow hunters decline the straight on chest shot for fear of hitting only one lung and losing their quarry when it bounds off. When this happens, many find that by the time the elk is tracked down, the meat is of no use. This is why so many find bow hunting elk the great challenge that it is and work so very hard to perfect their shot.

The Pursuit of Hunting Elk

Hunting elk is known to be one of the biggest challenges in the world of hunting. Not until they have had a chance to come upon this majestic creature in person do many hunters realize just how massive elk can be. Even fewer realize the wapiti’s ability for being elusive, until a puzzled hunter realizes all too late that their quarry has given them the slip for the second and third time. The elk’s ultra sensitive nature allows it to detect danger almost immediately. This is what makes hunting elk the ultimate challenge. The hunter who prefers bagging their quarry with little or no effort is not likely to enjoy hunting elk.

When it comes to hunting elk, nothing guarantees greater success than studying the behavior of both the male and female population. During fall, when the hunt is on and elk are into their mating season, or rut, certain behaviors are carried out that, when mimicked, can either lure or scare off the trophy bull a hunter has been waiting to bag. There are some behaviors that are only carried out during certain times of day. Even certain temperatures can have an effect on elk behavior. Aside from learning where principal food and water sources for elk are located, learning these differences can be one of the most crucial elements for a successful hunt.

There are several different methods for hunting elk. While rifle hunting is common, there are those who prefer muzzleloaders and bow hunting. Each of these hunting methods presents their own challenge for those that use them, requiring various levels of skill and marksmanship. Hunters in this category are those that prefer extra challenge when hunting elk. Each method of hunting is given its own time period during the elk hunting season and has its own requirements and restrictions. Many outfitters also tailor their hunting trips for these types of hunting methods, providing services muzzleloaders or bow hunters might need during their trip.

Providing areas where hunting elk is a welcome activity has proven to be a great boost to many a state’s economy. By applying effective conservation methods that ensure plentiful herds year after year, a number of states see a return of hunters and outdoor enthusiasts each season. This in turn stimulates local economies, especially in areas surrounding public and even private hunting grounds. While some hunters come for the opportunity to bag a trophy elk, others come for the mere challenge of the hunt in a beautiful setting. Either way, hunters are likely to have just the experience they have been dreaming of.