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Training Hunting Dogs With Heart and Soul


Everywhere you look, someone has a dog-training book out about training hunting dogs, and their method is always the best one for everyone to use—they think. Many people purchase a hunting dog already started, as they personally lack the knowledge to train properly, they do not have the time or energy, or it is too overwhelming. A good trained hunting dog is not cheap due to the hours spent on training it correctly, but it is money well spent if it is done by a professional that knows what they are doing. So before purchasing a good hunting dog, decide if training hunting dogs is something you want to do and have the dedication to last it out, as it will be a lot less expensive and the quality of the communication for a better one-on-one between the two of you will be something to enjoy in the future.

Before beginning any of the many methods for training hunting dogs, make sure they know the basic commands like the back of their paw. This particular type of breed will need to be trained on a level-by-level of command training before they can ever enter the field—they need to know their name, know who you are as their owner and master—their "alpha"—while being able to make excellent eye contact with you without fear or hesitation, and then slowly begin their basic commands in obedience. Obedience Classes are important no matter how much you know, as they will socialize also while there. And have a dog trained in a professional will work anywhere else.

The games and fish departments have gathered together some of the top training hunting dogs' methods that are "tried and true." At the head of their list was exercise—to gradually extend the dog's exercise duration as long as the dog's stamina increases and he is having fun all year round. They highly recommended swimming as it is excellent for conditioning the dog's muscle groups, and also increases their cardio-vascular fitness. Of course, cooling off during hot seasons or after long exercise periods may not be part of the training hunting dogs' regime, but it sure feels good.

Many owners of hunting dogs keep them penned up most of the year, only to take them out during hunting-season for exercise or hunting, and expect them to be instantaneously up to par and full of stamina, keeping "up with the hunt" or training hunting dogs sporadically. This will not work, as a routine regime is important to properly train the dog until it is well aware of what it is supposed to do.