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Nostalgia and Elk Hunting with Black Powder Cartridge Rifles


Elk hunting with black powder cartridge rifles is a popular option for those hunters who like to experience hunting the way their ancestors did more than one hundred years ago. While some consider this method too smoky and untidy to be of any use, it is also known to be a most precise and efficient method for hunting many different types of game. Successful elk hunting with black powder cartridge rifles takes a good amount of time and skill to master. Those who choose this method of hunting will no doubt spend hours in practice. Yet with every step of improvement, there will be greater satisfaction when a hunt ends with success.

Those who opt for elk hunting with black powder cartridge rifles will find that they have a number of options to consider. There is much to learn for this type of hunting. Not only does one have to choose the type of rifle they will use, decisions must be made on caliber, butt stock, rifle length, sights and component selection. One must then learn how to hand load ammunition. While this may sound like a daunting task, with practice it becomes quite routine. It is not unheard of for hunters who use this method to also cast their own bullets.

When elk hunting with black powder cartridge rifles, most hunters spend hours not just in practice, but also out in the field learning how to efficiently handle this type of firearm. It is quite different than the conventional weapon of modern day hunting and requires some adjustment. Elk are not only elusive creatures; they are massive, with thick hides and large internal organs. It is no secret that any firearm and its ammunition used for hunting elk must be strong enough to bring down big game. This is especially true when hunting in this manner as there is no automatic reloading option.

Another aspect of elk hunting with black powder cartridge rifles is that of cleaning. The great amount of powder has a tendency to make things really messy for some hunters. Proper care and cleanliness is key to maintaining equipment that remains in good condition. Powder has a tendency to collect on certain areas of the gun and harden. Should this happen, the accuracy and precision of the firearm can be affected greatly. It is not uncommon for a shooter to use a blow tube to keep powder from hardening in the bore until a more thorough cleaning can be completed. There are many kits available for the cleaning of black powder cartridge rifles.