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The Excitement of Pheasant Hunting California


California, the land of the sun and warmth. Who would think it was good for pheasant hunting—especially when we think of the cool, crisp fall weather to go out hunting for pheasants. It definitely is not the top state in mind for most hunters—they would probably choose Kansas, Wisconsin, or South Dakota as where they would like to go. But about 8 am, think of going to the NAGDA Nationals competition in Visalia, CA where the best of the best compete for pheasant hunting. California offers such competitions to those who weigh their hunting dogs against each other, showing their dog's ability to hunt thoroughly and effectively. This agility is later demonstrated throughout California during opening weeks of pheasant seasons, and if the weather is hot, dusty, and dry—so be it. Pheasant hunting California style have seasoned hunters who just take along extra water and learn to deal with it.

And California is not always hot everywhere all year round. Cool mornings and early snaps are there like everywhere else. Areas such as Sacramento, Lancaster, Birds Landing, Petaluma, Willows, Palermo, and so on offer great pheasant hunting and information about pheasant hunting. California online searches will tell you where to go, to look up outfitters and pheasant guides, and to also look up remote areas instead of the heavily hunted areas. The thing to do is keep the mind open about pheasant hunting California ways, as every state has different rules and ways to do things, and California is no different. But pheasant is fun, exciting, and puts food on the table—in addition to getting away from it all, spending time with your best friend, the good ol' hunting dog, and letting stress just melt away.

Maybe if a person could think like a pheasant, finding them would not be such a struggle. Even hunting dogs feel like throwing their paws up in the air and saying, "I give!" at times. Pheasants like the warmth on their back, so early in the morning if it is frigid out, they will be in cover somewhere deep as they can get. Once that sun begins to stretch over the horizon and warms the ground, out come the brave ones as long as the wind is not too bad, to offer prime pheasant hunting. California has cold mornings and frigid days depending on the location, which makes pheasant hunting fair game.

The first couple of days of pheasant hunting season will always be the easiest because they do not yet know they are being hunted, so they are easier to find. By the end of the week, it will be something else as they will be full aware it is them against the hunter[s] and their dog[s]. Once they wake up to this fact, you will never see a more wary and intelligent bird to be hunted. And this time of year, the weather begins to vary, no matter where you hunt. That is what fall is all about.