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Pheasant Hunting Dog


A good hunting dog is more than man's best friend, especially if that good hunting dog hunts pheasants. And the quality of the pheasant hunting dog will make your pheasant hunting trip one of joy or misery, depending on the dog. But usually the pheasant hunting dog is invaluable for those who enjoy hunting pheasants and upland game birds, as compared to big game—wild boar, bear, or deer.

There are many types of bird hunting dogs, such as Labradors, German Short-Hairs, Retrievers, Spaniels, and many others. With a soft mouth and a strong desire to please, these dogs are capable of forming bonds that go beyond the dog-master relationship of most domesticated dogs. The pheasant hunting dog can be any of these breeds of hunting dogs, depending on what type of dog the hunter desires.

Any pheasant hunting dog also is capable of hunting ducks, turkeys, or dove. Choosing a trained hunting and gun dog is not a quickly-made decision, or rather, it should not be, unless it is something that a person grows up with and has some training in the field. Otherwise, it may be best to borrow the hunting dogs when hunting at a pheasant hunting lodge, which are already trained and will make your trip a success. Regardless if the dogs are yours or are borrowed, once the pheasants are close by the tension of the hunting dogs will begin to increase. The scent begins to be picked up by one dog and once the bird is located--the dog will lock firmly in place. If the mate is close by, she also will lock in position simply to honor her mate's point, even if she has not been able to pick up on the scent herself. After that, the hunt is up to you.

The breed of a pheasant hunting dog is a personal preference, depending on what characteristics are important to you—but the basic commands should be taught to all dogs, especially all hunting dogs. Once that pheasant breaks away and takes off—a dog who takes off and does not understand what it means to stop or come back, may provide an interesting day of hunting, indeed. Teach your hunting dog obedience. Once that is done, teach it again and again. Make it second nature to you and the dog until they almost can read your mind and respond just as quick.

Once the obedience has become second nature, take the pheasant hunting dog to a pheasant reserve as compared to wild birds out in a field of waist high grass. There are several thoughts on this—with the main one being once that dog hunts in the same area, again and again, it will not be as apt to go off and explore new grounds and territory, instead of exploring on his own for pheasants.