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Pheasant Hunting Window Decals –Telling the World You Hunt


There are very few cars in the modern world of today that do not have a bumper sticker or window decals, in order to tell the world what they like or do not like. Consisting of an adhesive label or sticker with lettering and a few illustrations, both are meant to be read by the passengers or drivers of nearby vehicles—pheasant hunting window decals or bumper stickers tells the world that person loves to hunt and/or loves pheasants, regardless if hunting is involved, with approximately 25% to 30% of a particular company or team's supporters showing support with this method. Controversial or in support of something, they usually are a way of letting the world how the inhabitants of that vehicle feels about a particular subject. With carrying illustrations and images, the window decal is more personal and artsy, and less "one-liner message" than the bumper sticker.

The pheasant hunting window decals are usually done in durable, premium quality vinyl. Available in clear polyester or double-sided, the colors may be white, yellow, or reflective. With a minimum order of approximately 125, the pheasant hunting window decals can be done in 5-9 business days or 13 business days if it is ordered as a double-sided decal. But if the shape desired is not the traditional square or circle, but a custom-size then another three days is required for completion.

The excitement of the pheasant hunting window decals, or any other decals, are that in can be placed anywhere as long as there is glass to stick it onto. Make sure that the message stands out and is easily seen from a distance. The Outdoor Durability as compared to face stock is ensured about 3 years minimum with an average of 5 years. Some unique simple to read and carrying ability patterns with interchangeable colors are used with the pheasant hunting window decals, such as black, silver, copper, or white in ink colors on assorted colored backgrounds.

The window decal would not have been possible without the invention of the bumper sticker at the beginning. And the bumper sticker would not have been possible without the invention of Henry Ford's 1923 Ford Model A "the Tin Lizzie," which had a spot for the bumper sticker to adhere to whereas the Ford Model T did not. At a price of $825 for this new fangled car, pheasant hunting window decals were probably not attached as a window decal during that particular time, but its predecessor--the bumper sticker--made it possible for its entry into the modern world.