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Tips For South Dakota turkey hunting


With two seasons ripe and ready for action, South Dakota turkey hunting is a popular game sport in this state. The terrain, seasonal considerations and licensing requirements should all be brought into consideration before heading out to enjoy South Dakota turkey hunting, however. Doing so can ensure a great trip to some of America's most historic hunting grounds.

South Dakota turkey hunting is an awful lot like hunting this game anywhere else. The birds have incredible eyesight and they hear very well. Catching a gobbler in season or out is almost like looking for a needle in a haystack. They are out there though.

To help sportsmen (and women) enjoy the best South Dakota turkey hunting has to offer, there are some recommendations that should be brought into play:

• Make sure licensing is in place. Harvesting these birds while South Dakota turkey hunting without a license is a crime. Make sure the proper licensing is purchased. The state offers spring and fall turkey seasons for residents and nonresidents. There are two kinds of licenses for South Dakota turkey hunting. They are a Black Hills license and a Prairie-turkey license. Depending on the season and the location, licenses might be run via lottery or they might be open only to residents. Check with the state to find out. Applications are available online for most permits.
• Be prepared. South Dakota turkey hunting involves different terrains. The prairie license, for example, will have hunters staking out slightly rolling hills and lots of flat lands. The terrain in the Black Hills, of course, is quite different. Select everything from footwear to camouflage to reflect the location and the season in question. Remember to avoid red, white and blue coloring for safety's sake.
• Understand the rules. There are some pretty strict regulations for South Dakota turkey hunting. Make sure they are understood before going out and trying to bag a gobbler.
• Put safety first. It can be disappointing to go on a South Dakota turkey hunting trip and come home empty handed, but this is no reason to shirk responsibility. Make sure safety is the number one concern and the rest will fall into place to make for a great trip, turkey bagged or not!

South Dakota turkey hunting is typically open to both residents and nonresidents during the spring and fall seasons. Some locations might limit the hunt to residents only, but they are few and far between. When it comes to unusual and historic scenery this is one of the best locations to go.