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Reasons Why Many Favor Nitro turkey hunting


When the mission is to bring home a big gobbler for dinner or prize, having the right gear on hand is an absolute must. Everything from the clothing right down to the shells has to be perfect to give a hunter an edge. This is where nitro turkey hunting can be a real benefit.

Nitro turkey hunting involves a special shell that is a little less expensive than copper. The shells, however, are made by a trusted name in hunting and they come with a guarantee they pattern as well as other plated, buffered loads without the higher cost. Nitro turkey hunting produces a payload of 1210 fps that has good knockdown power at common turkey hunting ranges. The shot is made by Remington, so it's one that hunters tend to trust. What's more, nitro turkey hunting shells are specifically designed with turkey hunters in mind.

Nitro turkey hunting, or any turkey hunting for that matter, often requires gear and equipment specifically designed for the game. This is so for a number of reasons. They include:

• Size of the game. Shots ideal for larger game are not recommended for turkey hunting. They can damage the bird's value for eating and/or mounting. This is why nitro turkey hunting shells and other similar fowl-type shells are preferred.
• Tactics. Turkey hunting isn't like any other game hunting sport. These birds have incredibly sharp eyesight and they hear rather well, too. This means hunters need every single edge they can get. From having the right camouflage gear to effectively hide from the gobblers to correct positioning and more, it all matters when a successful hunt is desired. Nitro turkey hunting doesn't guarantee a good day in the woods, but it does offer ammo specifically designed for the task at hand.
• Safety. Turkey hunting can be a rather tricky sport as far as safety is concerned, as well. While nitro turkey hunting shells won't help on this count, they can go along with the full package. Safety is paramount when turkey is the game at hand because of this bird's natural craftiness. Hunters have been known to get a little overexcited and fire before sizing up situations as soon as they see the colors common on a gobbler. This means every effort to ensure a good, clean hunt is important.

When every edge is desired for hunting turkey, many hunters seek out gear specifically designed for the task at hand. Nitro turkey hunting shells often fit that bill for hunters who prefer guns over bows in the field for their speed and accuracy.