Judge your bear before you shoot

One of the best ways to get the bear you dream of is to learn how to judge his size in the field. The biggest bears live in the prime real estate of any given hunting zone – smaller bears live on the fringes of these areas for their own protection, and are often easier to find because larger bears occupy the best hiding places.

To judge your bear’s size, watch him move. Big bears show no hesitation or fear in their movement – they’re practically cocky. Now consider the scale of things – how good are you at judging distances? A small bear near to you will look bigger than a large bear at a distance – experts recommend you get as close as you can to the bear before making your decision.

The older a bear is, the heavier he will appear. A big, mature bear will have a snout that’s broader, longer and deeper than any small or female bear around. Similarly, his ears will be set more to the sides than the top of his head. And you’ll notice the biting muscles bulging behind his forehead. Finally, big bears have massive front shoulders – with a wrist, foot and forearm that are all the same width.

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