Accessories for Your Bow Hunting Experience

Bow hunting is described as the activity wherein you kill game animals by archery. Archers have limited shots ranging about 20 to 30 yards. Some of the factors that affect distance include the person’s ability, bow setup and type, weather and the target animal. Bow hunting for fish is known as bow fishing. Variations can be added to your archery equipment based on your goals. You will need different accessories for complete experience.

The Bows

Although some individuals prefer using modern compound bows to hunt game at present, there are still old school followers who prefer to use the crude materials. There are longbows, crossbows and recurve bows that can be used by disabled hunters or by hunters who prefer a little more challenge in their trips. The bow is the most important equipment you need for the sport. There are plenty of models available depending on your personal preference and goals. Compound bows are the most common and have long been proven to be easy and reliable.

The Arrows

You will need arrows with your bow to shoot the game with. The standard arrow is made of a shaft with an arrowhead at the front end and fletching at the rear end. There are different kinds of arrows. Fletching give a certain amount of drag to stabilize the arrow’s flight. The arrow size can range anywhere from 18 inches to 5 feet. Modern arrows now measure about 2.5 to 3 feet long.

Arrow Types

Broadhead arrows are the most commonly used in modern hunting. These used to be more common during warfare and have 2 to 4 sharp blades to cause massive bleeding in the shot game. These arrows also have a very wide cutting edge to kill as immediately as possible. These arrows are quite expensive and are used to kill, instead of just target practice.

Hunters usually invest in either mechanical or fixed-blade broadhead arrows. The mechanical blade is more streamlined and flies better, but results to less penetration. The fixed-blade broadhead have rigid and unmovable blades. If you want to practice first, you can get target point arrows with bullet-shaped arrowheads that do not cause huge damage.

The Outfit

You will need to wear protective suit and camouflage to ward off external elements. The camouflage will help hide you from your target as you draw closer. Usually, long sleeve suits, pants and combat boots are very ideal to keep you steady as you focus on your target. There are different accessories that can go with the outfit such as a hat or helmet, gloves, scarves and goggles for night hunting.

Hunting Supplies

Other supplies that you have to prepare include repair gear, arrow rests and bow hunting lights. The bow will need some tune-up while you are in the woods so you need tools for it like spare arrows, allen wrenches, pliers, adhesives and release aids. Bow hunters should also pack their own water and food. Field tip arrows are needed to practice in the field. First-aid kits and communication or navigation devices like a GPS or map is very important.

Bow Hunting Packs

There are different types of bow hunting packs. The basic model is made to carry the bow and arrow, as well as additional arrows. Other packs allow you to store more things like skinning tools and food. These packs are generally designed to fit the human body and for easy mobility. The usual bow hunting packs has a shoulder strap where you can hold the bow and arrows. The external pockets let you hold more gear and arrows. These are different from backpacks in the sense that you create less noise when moving around.

More Accessories

There are several other accessories that you may want to invest in to improve your skills in bow hunting. Included are binoculars, deer or game decoys, game ears or hearing aids, game calls that attract animals to you, hearing protection and enhancements, night vision tools, lights and cameras. There are stands and other accessories that help you establish your hunting spot quickly. Be sure to bring enough maps and other emergency devices just in case you land into some kind of trouble. It is always recommended to bring a buddy along in all hunting trips.

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