Tag Archives: Broadhead

Bow Hunting Tools

1. Bow – There are three basic types of bows: the long bow which is the most traditional, the recurve, and the compound bow. The longbow and the recurve bow are very similar in design and function and have the fewest moving parts. The word “recurve” means to curve backward or downward, the recurve bow is a variation of the longbow with limbs that curve backwards. Most complex is the compound bow which uses a system of cams or pulleys, cables, and the bowstring to shoot the arrow. The bow may include either a single or double-cam design. The purpose of the cams is to increase the effective draw weight of the bow while allowing the archer to hold less draw when at the full draw length. A crossbow is a mechanical bow attached to a stock that fires an arrow. Widely used in bow hunting by the people of Ohio, this may have straight limbs or have a compound design with limbs mounted horizontally on a stock. Crossbows use shorter arrows that are fixed with a release mechanism or trigger. The release mechanism includes a safety that blocks the pulling of the trigger.

2. Broadhead – The broadhead is the sharp point of the arrow. There are two basic types: the one is fixed-edge that you must sharpen yourself, the other is with removable blades that are already sharpened. Broadheads come in many different sizes, designs and weights. They must be kept razor sharp for proper performance. For safety, always use a broadhead wrench to attach the broadhead to the shaft.

3. Arrow – An arrow is a slender shaft or projectile, shot from a bow or crossbow. They have four main parts: the neck, fletching, shaft and arrowhead. The neck is located at the back of the arrow and is attached to the bowstring. The arrow shaft is the main body of the arrow; it may be made of wood, aluminum, carbon, or other materials. Fletchings are located on the shaft and allows stability for the arrow; it can be made of vinyl, rubber, or feathers. Fletchings are designed to stabilize the arrow in flight to make it more accurate. In crossbow, arrows have three main parts: fletching, shaft, and arrowhead. Arrowheads must be securely attached to the arrow. There are two common types of arrowheads: Field points are small arrow tips used for target shooting and broadheads.

4. Quiver – A quiver is a device that holds arrows that will protect you while bow hunting from the arrows’ sharp points. Quivers come in different styles, including some that are mounted on the bow, worn on a belt, or fit over the shoulder. It is important to always use a quiver whether you are using field points or broadheads.